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Tarot is a deck of 78 mystical playing cards that was created around the late 14th century. It has been used to connect to the unseen energies all around us and for divinatory purposes. The way I see tarot is this: it is a way for me to connect to higher energies and to receive messages of great wisdom and higher knowledge. We are so caught up in our lives and have a limited view on things, because we are in our bodies. It can be incredibly helpful to zoom out of our picture and gain higher wisdom about what is going on and what the best way to move through something is.

Luckily, each of us has a team of spirits guides. These guides are a group of benevolent beings that have our best interest at heart and they have seen the entirety of the labyrinth. they know which pathway leads to a dead end, which one has a trap, which one has a prize, how to get to the sacred garden and what the best way through the maze is, so that we can collect the most prizes. They are here to navigate us, to bring us the higher perspective of how we can best move through. It can however be very challenging to hear them. Tarot and oracle card readings are one way to connect to them and to receive guidance.

The best image I can give you is this: each of us is in our own maze. Our own labyrinth of life. There are many ways to reach the sacred garden in the center and many ways to move through the maze. Some pathways have prizes you can collect at the end of them, some have traps at the end of them and would cause us some harm and some of them simply lead to a dead end. Because we are in the maze, we can only see all the high hedges around us and a little bit ahead and a little bit back to where we just came from. We can’t see the easiest and most rewarding path through the labyrinth.

Tarot is a deck of 78 mystical playing cards that was created around the late 14th century. It has been used to connect to the unseen energies all around us and for divinatory purposes. The way I see tarot is this: it is a way for me to connect to higher energies and to receive messages of great wisdom and higher knowledge. We are so caught up in our lives and have a limited view on things, because we are in our bodies. It can be incredibly helpful to zoom out of our picture and gain higher wisdom about what is going on and what the best way to move through something is.
The best image I can give you is this: each of us is in our own maze. Our own labyrinth of life. There are many ways to reach the sacred garden in the center and many ways to move through the maze. Some pathways have prizes you can collect at the end of them, some have traps at the end of them and would cause us some harm and some of them simply lead to a dead end. Because we are in the maze, we can only see all the high hedges around us and a little bit ahead and a little bit back to where we just came from. We can’t see the easiest and most rewarding path through the labyrinth.
Luckily, each of us has a team of spirits guides. These guides are a group of benevolent beings that have our best interest at heart and they have seen the entirety of the labyrinth. They know which pathway leads to a dead end, which one has a trap, which one has a prize, how to get to the sacred garden and what the best way through the maze is, so that we can collect the most prizes. They are here to navigate us, to bring us the higher perspective of how we can best move through. It can however be very challenging to hear them. Tarot and oracle card readings are one way to connect to them and to receive guidance.


Tarot and oracle readings are a way for me to connect to higher wisdom and to bring you guidance. I am clairvoyant and clairaudient, meaning I am able to see clearly and I am able to hear messages from the unseen. I am a channel.

Once you have the awareness of the topic, you can start to release it, heal it and move forward in a new and more beneficial way for you. To further support you in your healing journey, I am also offering EFT tapping sessions to help you release uncomfortable emotions as well as Reiki healing which is a holistic energy healing practice.

Together with your spirit teams, I am bringing you clarity – we will look at what’s going on, what particular patterns might be active and where they might originate from, how they play out in your life and affect you as well as ways how you can release them, move forward and build more beneficial patterns to support the future life you want to create.

This is the true power of tarot readings: to bring you awareness, the missing piece of the puzzle so you can see the full picture. This is the most important part of healing. Because how can you heal something you don’t see?

Due to my own journey in life, I have a particular proclivity for doing shadow work. I am very comfortable with looking and sensing into all of the darker spaces of the mind, body, emotions and soul that we’re usually trying to avoid out of fear. I have a very gentle and loving approach when it comes to delivering messages.

What can you expect from a reading with me?

You can expect a prerecorded reading with tarot and oracle cards, delivered to you as a video file you can download and rewatch as often as you’d like. The focus of this reading will be on you and while we might visit the past and future, our main focus will be on the now. The past is interesting, because it can show you how a particular pattern or topic developed in your life to help you understand why you are where you are right now. And the future is determined by the choices you are making and the actions you are taking now. It is not set in stone, but we can get a glimpse of how and where you can be once you resolve this pattern. The future can be a guide to determine which changes are necessary to bring your desired future in.

I am offering readings of 20 mins, 40 mins and 80 mins, centered around a topic or question of your choice, messages from your spirit guides or in-depth shadow work.

Tarot and oracle readings are a way for me to connect to higher wisdom and to bring you guidance. I am clairvoyant and clairaudient, meaning I am able to see clearly and I am able to hear messages from the unseen. I am a channel.
Due to my own journey in life, I have a particular proclivity for doing shadow work. I am very comfortable with looking and sensing into all of the darker spaces of the mind, body, emotions and soul that we’re usually trying to avoid out of fear. I have a very gentle and loving approach when it comes to delivering messages.
Together with your spirit teams, I am bringing you clarity – we will look at what’s going on, what particular patterns might be active and where they might originate from, how they play out in your life and affect you as well as ways how you can release them, move forward and build more beneficial patterns to support the future life you want to create.
This is the true power of tarot readings: to bring you awareness, the missing piece of the puzzle so you can see the full picture. This is the most important part of healing. Because how can you heal something you don’t see?
Once you have the awareness of the topic, you can start to release it, heal it and move forward in a new and more beneficial way for you. To further support you in your healing journey, I am also offering EFT tapping sessions to help you release uncomfortable emotions as well as Reiki healing which is a holistic energy healing practice.

What can you expect from a reading with me?

You can expect a prerecorded reading with tarot and oracle cards, delivered to you as a video file you can download and rewatch as often as you’d like. The focus of this reading will be on you and while we might visit the past and future, our main focus will be on the now. The past is interesting, because it can show you how a particular pattern or topic developed in your life to help you understand why you are where you are right now. And the future is determined by the choices you are making and the actions you are taking now. It is not set in stone, but we can get a glimpse of how and where you can be once you resolve this pattern. The future can be a guide to determine which changes are necessary to bring your desired future in.
I am offering readings of about 30 mins, centered around a topic or question of your choice and a 70-90 mins shadow work reading which is only available through the holistic healing treatment.

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