By clicking “Accept”, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. View our Privacy Policy for more information.

privacy policy


Data collection

Here at THE DARK ALCHEMIST, we are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. In the following sections, you will find the basis on which we collect and process your personal data when you use our website or services as well as information about cookies. For the purposes of EU and UK data protection laws, the data controller is Linda Rasch, The Dark Alchemist at Kleine Heide 78, 31515 Wunstorf, Germany. All of your personal data can be viewed as well as deleted on personal request. In the case of inquiry, please reach out to:

Let’s go on a little journey together to understand how we are processing your data as you are visiting our website in chronological order.

Act I: Entering our website

In order to give you a full overview of our data processing practices, let’s start this off by the kind of information collected when you are entering our website.

The Dark Alchemist is hosted by Webflow. Webflow hosts currently through the Amazon Web Services, using the Content Distribution Network. The original website of The Dark Alchemist is stored on an US Server, with CDN distribution based on the visitors location. The Dark Alchemist has a data processing contract with Webflow to ensure data processing according to GDPR laws and regulations. For more information, please read the following:

The Dark Alchemist collects your personal privacy preferences and cookie consent. This consent consists of your anonymized IP-Address as well as the date and time of your consent. We store our consents with Cloudflare and keep the records for 6 months. During processing, your anonymized data may be transferred to a server in the USA, in which case Cloudflare ensures data processing under GDPR regulation and laws. For more information, please read Cloudfare’s Data Protection Addendum:

Act II: Browsing and using our website

There are currently two interactions while browsing this website that can lead to collecting your personal data. The first instance is in the buying process of one of our services or products and the second is if you choose to allow cookies for embedded YouTube videos.

We are working with the appointment scheduling tool Tucalendi. Tucalendi processes the information you enter when you are booking an appointment with us. This information includes your name, email address, as well as any other information you might share with us in regards to your session.Your information is only collected if you choose to schedule an appointment.  Tucalendi’s server that stores your information is located in Spain. Your information is processed according to GDPR laws and not shared with third parties. Tucalendi and The Dark Alchemist have a data processing contract to ensure your privacy according to GDPR laws.

Possible payments made in the buying process are conducted by Paypal or Stripe. Paypal and Stripe collect the information necessary to ensure a successful transaction and does not share your banking details with The Dark Alchemist. For more information on Paypal’s and Stripe's privacy guidelines, please read: and

The Dark Alchemist does not share your personal information with third parties and only uses them in the context of fulfilling your order, conducting your treatments or doing our taxes.

The second interaction that leads to a collection of your data occurs when you are accepting cookies to view the embedded YouTube videos sprinkled throughout our website. Please note that in an attempt to keep the data collected as minimal as possible, we have always opted for YouTube’s no cookie embed. This minimizes the data collection and ensures that YouTube does not share any of your data with third parties, but does not mean that YouTube collects zero data. This is the reason why you need to accept analytics and marketing cookies if you want to see the content. Without your consent,  these embeds are blocked and no information will be collected and no cookies will be placed. For more information, please check the cookie collection list below.

Act III: Cookie Collection

In the following table, you will find which cookies may be placed by using our website and what their function is. Essential cookies are necessary for the basic functionality of this website and are automatically placed. Cookies regarding analytics, marketing or personalization are optional and need your active consent through our cookie consent banner. You can revisit and adjust your cookie preferences at any time. You simply have to scroll down to the bottom of each page, as you will always find the cookie consent linked in the footer.

essential cookies
there are currently no personalization cookies placed. the option shows up in the consent banner as this is required by gdpr regulations.

We are using for our giveaways. That's where the data you enter into the giveaway gets collected. All data within Rafflecopter is stored for three months after the giveaway or competition has ended and then it will be deleted. NO information from Rafflecopter is shared to any third party or for commercial purposes. You will be asked for consent via email when we contact you if you have won. We will not share any of your information with third parties and only use it in the process of contacting winners and setting up the prize giveaway. We never share your information without consent.