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Reiki is a holistic energy healing practice with more than 100 years of application. Reiki aims to balance, heal and harmonize all facets of you – your body, mind, emotions and spirit. Reiki has its roots in Japan, its name comes from the Japanese words Rei, meaning universal energy which all things consist of, and the word Ki which means your life force energy. Therefore Reiki is the practice of channeling universal energy to replenish and heal your life force energy.

Reiki energetically cleanses, replenishes and harmonizes your life force energy to return your mind, body and spirit to a balanced state. A Reiki treatment can calm and rejuvenate your mind and body, release stress, support and accelerate physical healing, soothe your emotional state and enhance your feeling of well-being. Reiki treatments can be beneficial for anyone at any time, be a part of your healing journey or a wonderful part of your self care routine.

What is life force energy? Every person has life force energy (Ki) that surrounds, fills and flows throughout their bodies. This energy keeps you alive and animated. When your energy is free flowing, your body and mind are in a positive state of health. When the energy becomes imbalanced, constricted or weakened, it can lead to symptoms of physical, spiritual, mental and or emotional imbalance.

Reiki is a holistic energy healing practice with more than 100 years of application. Reiki aims to balance, heal and harmonize all facets of you – your body, mind, emotions and spirit. Reiki has its roots in Japan, its name comes from the Japanese words Rei, meaning universal energy which all things consist of, and the word Ki which means your life force energy. Therefore Reiki is the practice of channeling universal energy to replenish and heal your life force energy.

What is life force energy? Every person has life force energy (Ki) that surrounds, fills and flows throughout their bodies. This energy keeps you alive and animated. When your energy is free flowing, your body and mind are in a positive state of health. When the energy becomes imbalanced, constricted or weakened, it can lead to symptoms of physical, spiritual, mental and or emotional imbalance.

Reiki energetically cleanses, replenishes and harmonizes your life force energy to return your mind, body and spirit to a balanced state. A Reiki treatment can calm and rejuvenate your mind and body, release stress, support and accelerate physical healing, soothe your emotional state and enhance your feeling of well-being. Reiki treatments can be beneficial for anyone at any time, be a part of your healing journey or a wonderful part of your self care routine.

reiki treatments

Time to get cozy: dim the lights and lie down comfortably. Put a pillow underneath your knees to release your lower back and cover yourself with the fluffiest blanket you can find. Close your eyes and focus on your breath. Allow your breath to deepen and let go. We will begin our Usui Reiki Ryoho treatment now.

Reiki energy has its own intelligence and flows with intention and direction to soothe and release stress, emotional, spiritual, mental as well as physical pain – all geared towards restoring balance to your mind, body and spirit. Because everything is connected, it may be possible that your emotional or mental state needs healing first, before your physical symptoms can be healed. Reiki naturally flows to the parts where you need it most.

What does Reiki feel like? It feels different for and varies from person to person, from practitioner to practitioner and even from session to session. You may feel certain parts of your body heating up and getting warm, you may feel tingling sensations, perhaps a stream of tingling sensations running through your entire body, like a gentle hum of electric currency. Emotions of past experiences may arise, along with specific memories, asking to be let go now. You may drift in and out of a dream-like state, see visions or colors. It is difficult to put the sensations of Reiki into words, it is easier understood when you have felt and experienced it yourself.

I am connected to the Reiki energy and let it flow through me and out of my hands into your body – like water running through an open faucet. I am holding my hands over different parts of your body using hand positions that have been passed down through generations and let the Reiki energy flow. You are taken deeper into relaxation.

Distance Reiki healing

I am currently offering remote Reiki treatments. Reiki energy is not bound by time or space and it is possible to give and receive treatments while you and I are not in the same place. The only difference between an in-person and remote treatment is that we start our session via video call or video and then you get cozy in the comfort of your own home to receive the treatment. The intensity and benefits of the treatment remain the same.

What can you expect from a Reiki treatment with me?

I am a certified Reiki practitioner from the Usui Reiki Ryoho tradition. One distance Reiki treatment consists of 60 mins Reiki healing. I am offering either real-time distance treatments conducted via video call or in the form of a prerecorded video. After our treatment, we will have a conversation about what I noticed during our session together. If you booked a prerecorded treatment, the feedback will be included at the end. If you booked a real-time treatment, you have two options: either meeting up again in our video call for a face-to-face consultation or a recorded voice message.

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