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WHAT IS eft?

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a tapping technique for releasing emotional and physical pain. This treatment is grounded in the concept that negative emotions are caused by disruptions in the body’s energy system. In order to release the negative emotions and to access the energy system, we are gently tapping on the body’s acupuncture points along the meridian lines of Chinese medicine. This brings your body into a state of feeling safe which allows us to access and release your unhelpful emotions and pain. The tapping is combined with skillful use of the right words to direct your subconscious to release what no longer serves you.

What can EFT tapping be used for?

EFT can be used in a broad range of applications. It can help to relieve stress, release and transform painful, uncomfortable or negative emotions such as anxiety, sadness, anger, frustration, guilt or shame. It can improve and in some cases, even eliminate physical discomfort or pain. EFT tapping can also effectively release and eliminate thought patterns such as limiting beliefs. One very powerful field of application lies in transforming emotional trauma, whether you remember the incident or not and whether the emotional trauma was caused by one event or many.

Releasing emotional trauma

The problem with our memories are not the memories themselves, but our emotions attached to them. Getting triggered and remembering the event means that you are experiencing the same emotions that you did back then all over again. The emotions from the past become very present in your current body and it feels the same way it did back then. EFT enables you to release the emotional charge of that memory, so that if you think about it again, your body no longer emotionally responds, leaving your past to stay in the past.

Once you have a traumatic experience, it changes the way you view the world, the way you view yourself and often creates self beliefs that have the good intention to keep you safe in the future, but are severely limiting you from showing up in your full potential. With each negative experience, your body collects detailed information of the incident such as who was present, where you were, what was said, how you were looked at, how you felt, what you thought, which sounds or scents were present and stores this information in your body to keep you safe in the future. To the body and mind, your future survival depends on your ability to make good and quick decisions in difficult situations. Naturally, from that one time forward, your body and mind will bring up the same feelings, behavioral and thought patterns in any situation that’s deemed similar. This continous reexperiencing further cements the limiting belief in your subconscious until it becomes part of your self identity.

How to release limiting beliefs with EFT tapping

You can think of the structure of a limiting belief like a table. The belief is the tabletop and each incident or experience is a table leg which is supporting the tabletop. To release a limiting belief, we need to release the emotional charge of enough table legs so that the structure no longer holds up. The tabletop and the limiting belief collapses. One great benefit of EFT is that we are not going into these experiences to relive them (and therefore potentially retraumatizing you), we are simply looking at the emotions that are still present in you right here, right now in order to release them.

When releasing these unhelpful emotions, thought patterns, behaviors and all of that pain, it frees up so much space in your body, mind and emotions to feel lighter, experience more joy and to ultimately live a life that feels good to you. A life where you can show up in your full potential, allow yourself to grow into your most authentic self and simply live well.
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a tapping technique for releasing emotional and physical pain. This treatment is grounded in the concept that negative emotions are caused by disruptions in the body’s energy system. In order to release the negative emotions and to access the energy system, we are gently tapping on the body’s acupuncture points along the meridian lines of Chinese medicine. This brings your body into a state of feeling safe which allows us to access and release your unhelpful emotions and pain. The tapping is combined with skillful use of the right words to direct your subconscious to release what no longer serves you.

What can EFT tapping be used for?

EFT can be used in a broad range of applications. It can help to relieve stress, release and transform painful, uncomfortable or negative emotions such as anxiety, sadness, anger, frustration, guilt or shame. It can improve and in some cases, even eliminate physical discomfort or pain. EFT tapping can also effectively release and eliminate thought patterns such as limiting beliefs. One very powerful field of application lies in transforming emotional trauma, whether you remember the incident or not and whether the emotional trauma was caused by one event or many.

Releasing emotional trauma

The problem with our memories are not the memories themselves, but our emotions attached to them. Getting triggered and remembering the event means that you are experiencing the same emotions that you did back then all over again. The emotions from the past become very present in your current body and it feels the same way it did back then. EFT enables you to release the emotional charge of that memory, so that if you think about it again, your body no longer emotionally responds, leaving your past to stay in the past.
Once you have a traumatic experience, it changes the way you view the world, the way you view yourself and often creates self beliefs that have the good intention to keep you safe in the future, but are severely limiting you from showing up in your full potential. With each negative experience, your body collects detailed information of the incident such as who was present, where you were, what was said, how you were looked at, how you felt, what you thought, which sounds or scents were present and stores this information in your body to keep you safe in the future. To the body and mind, your future survival depends on your ability to make good and quick decisions in difficult situations. Naturally, from that one time forward, your body and mind will bring up the same feelings, behavioral and thought patterns in any situation that’s deemed similar. This continous reexperiencing further cements the limiting belief in your subconscious until it becomes part of your self identity.

How to release limiting beliefs with EFT tapping

You can think of the structure of a limiting belief like a table. The belief is the tabletop and each incident or experience is a table leg which is supporting the tabletop. To release a limiting belief, we need to release the emotional charge of enough table legs so that the structure no longer holds up. The tabletop and the limiting belief collapses. One great benefit of EFT is that we are not going into these experiences to relive them (and therefore potentially retraumatizing you), we are simply looking at the emotions that are still present in you right here, right now in order to release them.
When releasing these unhelpful emotions, thought patterns, behaviors and all of that pain, it frees up so much space in your body, mind and emotions to feel lighter, experience more joy and to ultimately live a life that feels good to you. A life where you can show up in your full potential, allow yourself to grow into your most authentic self and simply live well.

EFT treatments

I am a certified EFT practitioner from EFT International. I am currently offering online treatments via video call. One EFT treatment is 45 mins long and we will address and release whatever is relevant for you right now that no longer serves you. In our first session together, I will also teach you the basic tapping technique to give you the opportunity to tap by yourself whenever something comes up for you that you’d like to clear out by yourself – or until our next session. For that reason, our first session together will take somewhere between 45-60 mins, to give you enough time and space to learn. EFT is a powerful technique for you to help with self-regulation and releasing unhelpful emotions at will. I am delighted to be a part of your empowering healing journey.

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