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          My name is Linda and I am an energy worker and healer. My specialty is to bring light into all the dark corners of the mind, body and soul that we’re usually not that comfortable to look at. I have a very gentle approach to healing and work with Reiki, EFT tapping and tarot readings to support you in releasing what no longer serves you.

Reiki is a Japanese energy healing that works holistically. During treatments, Reiki energy flows through your body to create balance in your mind, body and soul. I am a certified Reiki healer from the Usui Reiki Ryoho tradition.


EFT is a tapping technique to release emotions. Clearing the emotional charge helps you to let go of the negative patterns formed around uncomfortable thoughts, feelings or memories. I am a certified EFT Practitioner by EFT International.


Tarot readings are a form of energy reading. During readings, I’m able to get insights into your past, present and potential futures and draw in higher wisdom to gain awareness. This higher perspective allows me to bring you clarity and guidance.


I am creating digital and artistic goodies to support you in your journey to become your happiest and most authentic self. My work includes self healing planners, workbooks, journals, graphics and other goodies.


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